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  • Selected Publications

    Refereed Journal Papers

    Refereed conference papers (International)

    • Carney, M., Wall, J., McNamee, F., Madden, D., Hurst, A., Charanbalos, C., Chanquoy, L., Baccino, T., Acar, E. and Öney-Yazıcı, E. (2008) Challenges to delivering safety training through virtual classes. In Dainty, A (ed.) Proceedings of the 24th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK Association of Researchers in Construction Management, vol. 2, pp.1075-1082.
    • Carney, M., Wall, J., Acar, E., Öney_Yazıcı, E., McNamee, F. and McNamee, P. (2008). The Evaluation of health and safety training through e-learning. In Proceeding of the 7th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling-ECPPM 2008, eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, (Eds.) Alain Z. and R. Scherer, Sophia-Antipolis, France,  pp.589-598.
    • Carney, M., Wall, J.,  Acar, E ., Öney-Yazıcı, E., McNamee,, F., McNamee, P., Vrasidas, C.,  Koushiappi, M., Madden, D., Hurst, A., Baccino, T. (2008) Delivering Safety Training Using Virtual Classes. In Proceedings of the BuHU 8th International Postgraduate Research Conference, Co-organized by University of Salford, Czech Technical University in Prague and co-sponsored by CIB, June 26-27th, Prague, Czech Republic, pp.105-116.
    • Acar E., Wall, J., McNamee, F., Vrasidas, C., Madden, D., Hurst, A., Chanquoy, L., Baccino, T., Carney, M., Koushiappi, M., Jordan, A., Öney-Yazıcı, E. (2008). Innovative Safety Management Training Through E-learning. The Fifth International Conference on Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC2008), jointly organized by Middle East Technical University and Loughborough University, June 23-25, 2008, Antalya, Turkey.
    • Wall J., McNamee F., Madden D., Hurst A., Vrasidas C., Chanquoy L., Baccino T., Acar E., Öney-Yazici E. and Jordan A. (2007), Applying a Multiple Intelligences Instructional Design Framework in the Delivery of Health and Safety Learning. I in Construction, Haigh, R., Ruddock, L. and Alshawi, M (eds.) in Proceedings of the 4th International Research Symposium (SCRI), 26th and 27th March 2007, Salford, Manchester, pp. 457-472.
    • Wall J., Carney M., McNamee F., Madden D., Hurst A., Vrasidas C., Chanquoy L., Baccino T., Acar E., Öney-Yazici E. and Jordan A. (2007), The Delivery of health and safety training applying multiple intelligences using virtual classes, In Bond, D. (Ed.), 23rd Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2007, Belfast, UK. Association of Researchers in Construction Management, Vol.1, 315-323.
    • Yazıcı E.Ö. and Acar, E. (2006). Competitive micro environment of small residential contractors. Proceedings of the 1st International CIB Student Chapters Postgraduate Conference: Built Environment and Information Technologies, Andolsun, S., Temizsoy, A. and Uçar, M. (eds.), March 16-18, Middle East   Technical   University, Ankara, pp.433-447.

    Refereed conference papers (Local conferences)

    • Çakmak, P.I., İlhan, B., Acar, E., Kanoğlu, A., Şener, S.M., Özçevik,Ö. and Gelmez, K. (2014) Performance assessment and quality development in higher education. Proc. 3rd Project and Construction Management Congress, Akdeniz University, 6-8 November, 2014, Antalya.
    • Aldemir, B. and Acar, E. (2012) Entrepreneurship Orientation of Small and Medium Building Contractors. Proc. 3rd Project and Construction Management Congress, Izmir Institute of Technology, 13-16 September 2012, Izmir.
    • Gül, G.D. and Acar, E. (2010) Conflict Management Approaches and Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Building Contractors. 1st Project and Construction Management Congress, Middle East Technical University, 29 September - 1 October 2010, Ankara.
    • Göç, Y. and Acar, E. (2010) Entrepreneur Characteristics and Risk Management Practices in Construction SMEs. 1st Project and Construction Management Congress, Middle East Technical University, 29 September - 1 October 2010, Ankara.